Rabu, 25 April 2018

Moto All Model Frp Remove Tool (Working 100%)

Moto All Model FRP Remove Tool Free Download

After a long waiting and searching finally i found moto 7.0 frp lock reset selesai and tested solution with for all models and versions.this solution is tested by me in moto g4 plus july,august,september,and october  patch security.many users are wondering for solution but now tricks will work on latest patches security.to reset google account lock(frp) in moto 7.0 and 7.1 you just need this free moto frp reset tool.and reset moto frp lock in a minute.

Download Here

Moto Usb Drivers Download


  1. Download Motorola device maneger drivers and install it
  2. Download Motorola all frp latest tool
  3. Connect handset into bootloader mode(fastboot mode)-power on phone using volume down+power key
  4. Connect usb cable check device manager for drives
  5. Open tool and insert password and press enter
  6. After reboot allow usb debugging from phone
  7. FRP lock removed successfully